Que Significa la Propuesta de Biden?

Puede aplicar si…
• Cruzó la frontera para entrar a los EEUU;
• Ha vivido en los EEUU más que diez años y nunca salió ;
• Fue casado(a) con un(a) ciudadano(a) antes del 17 de Julio, 2024…
• O si tiene un hijastro ciudadano que era menor de 18 cuando usted se casó con su padre/madre ciudadano(a);
• No tiene historia criminal ni representa una amenaza para la seguridad nacional del país.

Si cumple estos requisitos puedes ser elegible para aplicar al permiso de permanencia temporal en el país (PIP o Parole in Place) y un permiso de trabajo.

Si lo aprueban, puede aplicar para su residencia (green card) dentro del periodo de tres años.

Personas con DACA
Si tiene un título de una universidad acreditada estadounidense…
O si tiene una oferta de trabajo de un empleador/patrón estadounidense en el área que el rubro a su título.
No puede registrarse todavía!
Todavía no han escrito un borrador de las regulaciones – No pague ninguna tarifa.
No vaya a un ‘consultor’ de immigracion o un notario – consulte con un abogado.
Hay muchas agencias de bajo costo de servicios legales en New Jersey.


What is the Biden Proposal?

IF you came into the United States by crossing the border

• and have been here more than ten years and never left;
• and are married to a U.S. citizen on or before July 17, 2024
• or have a U.S. citizen stepchild who was under 18 when you married his or her U.S. citizen parent,
• and do not have a criminal history or pose a threat to national security

You are eligible to apply for parole-in-place and a work authorization for up to 3 years

AND, if granted, you may apply for your green card within that 3-year period

DACA Holders

If you have a degree from an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning

• and have a job offer from a U.S. employer in a field related to your degree

you may be able to apply for a specialty occupation visa that can lead to a green card


You cannot register for this program right now

Do not pay anyone a fee for filing now—the regulations are not yet drafted

Don’t go to immigration “consultants” – go to a lawyer

There are many low cost community legal service agencies in New Jersey

Casa Esperanza is a non-profit organization created to serve immigrants and refugees who need affordable legal, educational and social services, as well as a place to go when they need help.

Our goal is to help immigrants and refugees to understand how the legal system works in the United States and avoid mistakes that can jeopardize their opportunity to have a better life.

Casa Esperanza has provided consultation to over 2000 people, created workshops to the community involving about 900 people and assisted with continuing education and training for 120 people.

Office Hours
Tuesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Click Here for Details
